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Our new method for measuring functional beta cell mass in vivo was published in Diabetes! Check it o
“Radiomanganese PET detects changes in functional beta cell mass in mouse models of diabetes” was published in Diabetes! This a...
Congratulations to Trilly on receiving her PhD in Biophysics!
Trillian Gregg was awarded her PhD in Biophysics! Congratulations Trilly! Trilly graduated with one first-author paper in Diabetes, a...
Farewell to our incredible Lab manager Brian Schmidt!
We say farewell to our lab manager, Brian Schmidt. Brian fell in love with the graduate student next door (yes, really!), and they’re...
Matt receives an Early Career Development Award from CSCTR.
Matt is awarded an Early Career Development Award from the Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research (CSCTR) for our work...
Welcome Ellie and Sophie, new grad students in the Merrins Lab.
We have two new students! Sophie Lewandowski and Ellie De Leon join the lab as graduate students in the Integrated Program in...
Jamie Larmie receives an ADA undergraduate fellowship!
Jamie Larmie is awarded a 1-year Minority Undergraduate Internship from the American Diabetes Association . Congratulations Jamie!
Matt receives a grant from the Wisconsin Partnership Program.
Matt is awarded a New Investigator Award from the Wisconsin Partnership Program to support our work on pyruvate kinase!
Halena receives an ADA Postdoctoral Fellowship
Halena VanDeusen is awarded a 3-year ADA postdoctoral fellowship award for her work on pyruvate kinases. Congratulations Halena!
Farewell to Che, our research intern and patch-clamp guru.
We say farewell to our research intern Chetan Poudel as he heads to graduate school “over the pond”. In <2 years, Che published one...
Trilly and Che publish their islet aging studies on KATP channels in Diabetes. Check it out here!
Trilly’s first-author paper, “Pancreatic beta cells from mice offset age-associated mitochondrial deficiency with reduced KATP channel...
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