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Matt is awarded the Innovative Basic Science Award from the ADA.
Matt is awarded a 3-year Innovative Basic Science Award from the American Diabetes Association for our work on mitochondrial Cdk1 in beta...
Welcome to Jamie Larmie, a sophomore at UW-Madison.
Jamie Larmie joins the lab as a sophomore at UW-Madison as part of Biology 152 undergraduate research course. Jamie is majoring in...
Trilly is awarded a dissertation fellowship from WARF.
Trillian Gregg is awarded a Dissertation Fellowship from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. Congratulations Trilly!
Welcome to our new postdoc Halena VaDeusen!
Halena VanDeusen joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Halena received her BS in Biochemistry from Western Washington University in...

Welcome to our summer intern Christina Knutson!
Christina Knutson joins the lab as a summer intern. Christina is enrolled in the IBS-SRP program at UW-Madison. She graduated from...
Welcome to our new graduate student Sophie Sdao!
Sophia Sdao joins the lab as part of the Integrated Program in Biochemistry. Sophie graduated with a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular...

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